Monday, December 1, 2008

In the Interest of Time, this is Missing a Clever Title

I know it's been awhile
by Mil'vardea

Greetings! Sorry about the delay in new posts; we've been busy! Super busy!

Let me tell you about game night: We played Quelf, and we have some hilarious stories to tell. A good friend of ours, we'll call him "Christian" from here on out, had some awesome cards, all at the same time. One was that he had to keep his hands on top of his head for a whole round, then a rules card saying he could only pick things up with his pinky and thumb. Then the person to his left got a card that included him, and he had to write something, while keeping his hands above his head, and holding the pencil with just his pinky and thumb. L.O.L.

We also played epic Settlers of Catan, and I think you deserve some pictures of its epic-ness. We combined two Catan sets and played to 20 points; the game went on for two hours, and Canada won (she always wins). The game becomes very cutthroat when we play. It's freakin crazy, but awesome. We're going to have to connect some more sets and play even more epic Catan.

A few days ago, we actually went stargazing, laying down in the back of Smoo's truck with a star map and trying to figure out where everything was. We found some of the more "popular" ones easily, like Orion, and the big W, Cassiopeia. We managed to find some of the Zodiac symbols too, which was cool. Unfortunately, light pollution kept us from finding some of the constellations to the North of us, thick enough even to cover the North Star. But we still managed to have a great time.

On Wednesday, we had a Thanksgiving party together, playing Cranium, pool, and watching Mythbusters (I love that show). They were blowing up non-dairy creamer. LOL.

Hopefully, now that we're between holidays, we'll be able to all stay in town long enough to get some more stuff on the list. We'll see.
