Monday, October 6, 2008

Getting to Know heartsinfall

An Interview with Smoo
by Mil'vardea

Mil'vardea: Okay, I'm going to ask you the questions on AIM, so I can just copy your answers.
Mil'vardea: So it's like in your own words
Smoo: yarr
Mil'vardea: Okies, first, some generic stuff:
Mil'vardea: Your age?
Smoo: Im about 23.92
Mil'vardea: Lol
Mil'vardea: Birthday?
Smoo: October the 20th, 1984.
Mil'vardea: What is your current occupation?
Smoo: I have a hella awesome job doing customer service for the xkcd store!
Mil'vardea: Sweetest job ever.
Smoo: I agree, aside from game tester or professional fire starter.
Mil'vardea: Okies. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Smoo: If I get better, either working full time at whatever job I can find or taking classes full time to get my degree. If I'm working I plan to take a few classes on the side too, just to stay sharp. Should I not be better by then I really have no idea because I might be insane.
Mil'vardea: You might want to explain "better" for our viewers.
Smoo: People can see me?! Holy shit, wheres my helmet!
Mil'vardea: Lol
Smoo: I have a strange physical condition. It's some form of dysautonomia, which basically means my body doesn't regulate my pulse and blood pressure properly on its own. So I get all dizzy and woozy from being upright, especially standing, for any length of time.
Mil'vardea: It sucks.
Mil'vardea: Really badly.
Mil'vardea: Moving on. Give us one of your most vivid memories from when you were a child.
Mil'vardea: By child, I mean less then 12 years old.
Smoo: When I was 4 my backyard froze in a massive ice storm and we went "skating" on it in our boots. It was awesome fun, and I remember finding a spider frozen in the ice, and then slamming into our fence at high speed and snapping my glasses in half. The pain kinda cemented it in my memory, but I only remember how awesome everything looked when covered in ice now.
Mil'vardea: I kind of thought your memory would have something to do with fire, you freakin' pyro.
Mil'vardea: Lol.
Mil'vardea: Anyway, moving onto some of your favorite things:
Mil'vardea: What is your favorite past time?
Smoo: Just one?
Mil'vardea: Or a couple, whatever.
Mil'vardea: Or a few, I don't care.
Smoo: Hehe, ok. Well, fire was always near and dear to my heart, but its not really a past time, more of a fling that I have once in a while. I really enjoying computer games and reading, I think I spend more time with those than I do asleep.
Mil'vardea: What's your favorite movie?
Smoo: The Empire Strikes Back
Mil'vardea: TV show?
Smoo: Thats hard, I loved Battlestar Galactica when it came out but I watch more CSI and NCIS now than anything else.
Mil'vardea: Game?
Smoo: Knights of the Old Republic, because its the ultimate Jedi experience : P
Mil'vardea: Singer or band? Smoo: I listen to a lot of strange music, a few of my favorite bands are MSI, Led Zeppelin, Blind Guardian, and I really love listening to Bjork, Tarja, Hansi Kursch, and maybe Frank Sinatras voices.
Mil'vardea: What song that you like do you have stuck in your head right now?
Smoo: Runs in the Family
Mil'vardea: Okay, now I'm going to ask you some questions about heartsinfall.
Smoo: Shoot
Mil'vardea: What made you think that heartsinfall was a good idea?
Smoo: Mostly because it sounded like a lot of fun
Mil'vardea: What is your favorite thing we've done on "The List" so far?
Smoo: Oh, thats easy, we made s'mores and played with fire! Also, the poetry in the valentines was a lot of fun to come up with, horrid as it was.
Mil'vardea: What are you looking forward to doing next on "The List?"
Smoo: Finally doing the freaking scavenger hunt! We've been waiting to do that for weeks and I want to do it so bad.
Mil'vardea: Me too.
Mil'vardea: It's going to be hella fun.
Mil'vardea: Last Question. How do you foresee heartsinfall's future?
Smoo: As long as we continue to do awesome things I think it will eventually draw some attention from random places. I think we'll have something like regular readers! At least, I hope we will because then we'd get to talk to new, strange people.
Mil'vardea: Sweet, thank you for your time, kind sir.
Smoo: Anytime my friend

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