Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another Dinner Over the Fire

And We Didn't Set Anyone on Fire Either
by Mil'vardea

We decided to grill ourselves up some dinner, once again. After a laboriously long discussion of what we should do, and what we should have, we piled into IrishCream's car and tore off to Food Lion. We purchased some yummies to fill our bellies, and drove back in high spirits. We gathered at Smoo's house, raiding the front and back yards (and the neighbor's yard, surreptitiously) for branches and twigs. The fire was hot and blazing in just a few minutes, and was ready to cook on in less then a half hour (we're getting really good at lighting things on fire, now).

On the menu was: teriyaki beef kabobs and grilled corn-on-the-cob. Delicious.

As Smoo and IrishCream gathered twigs in the backyard, I'd put together the kabobs, first cutting the steak into bite sized pieces, and soaking them in a teriyaki bath made of that teriyaki sauce that comes in those little glass bottles, lemon juice, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and a lot of squishing the pieces into the bowl and dunking them under.

I then chopped up yellow squash, zucchini, and onions. Also to add to the kabob were little mushrooms, which I de-stemmed, cherry tomatoes, and the beef cubes (of course). I slid them onto the kabobs, then threw them onto the grill. When I pulled mine off and started gnawing on it, it was far from cooked completely, but it smelled so good, I couldn't wait to bite into it.

After dinner, we unsuccessfully tried to pop some popcorn (we got a dud container, I think), so instead, we hobo-packed an apple, some Hershey's chocolate pieces, and some caramel ice cream toppings up in some aluminum foil, and stuck a fire sick through the foil into the apple and roasted them. They were so good (and so messy)!

We then told stories past sun set, everyone with full bellies and trying not to fall asleep.

Lovely evening, don't you think?


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