Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Distance Was Quantifiably Smaller

But Our Original Plan Was a Bit Over and Above Our Budget
by Mil'vardea

Our goal: Buy Flyers tickets and make it safely to Philadelphia and back for a game.

We successfully bought the tickets; this was nearly a month ago now. We decided the March 12th home game Philadelphia Flyers against the Washington Capitals would be appropriate, considering Smoo is a Caps fan (why? Seriously? Man-crushing on Ovie much?).

After I convinced him that wearing a Caps anything into Philadelphia would be a bad idea, we bought the tickets, rearranged our schedules, took off work (well, Canada and I had too; Smoo's job at xkcd is chill).

March 11th: The weather was warm for March, but we thought if it would hold out for the game, it would make the experience all the better. Nice weather = Nice driving conditions. I got my nails done and my things packed, ready for a pretty day of driving, camaraderie, and NHL hockey.

March 12th: The weather changes abruptly, plummeting down twenty degrees in less then 24 hours, making the skies overcast and the air a windy 25 degrees. We leave for the game around 11AM, giving us plenty of time to make it to the game, or so we thought. We made it just in time, magically turning a four-and-a-half hour drive into a seven or so hour drive. Jeebs. Four thirty saw us at Passyunk and 9th, where everyone who ever wanted a cheesesteak (and not a mis-steak) goes (Pat's, for anyone who has never been in Philly).

We got to the game a little early and missed all the human traffic into the Wachovia Center. I even had time to say goodbye to the Spectrum before the game. The game itself was disappointing, for me at least, we lost 1-2 to the Caps; however, it was worth the trip. I don't think I've ever had that much fun ever.

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