Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cars! Cars!!!1

Racing is Usually Dangerous, but Not This Time
by Mil'vardea

Tonight, in a display of true brilliance, Black Beard said we should go to PuttPutt and race the go-karts. Six dollars later, Black Beard, Smoo, and I were strapped in and ready to ride.

I was nervous as hell. The kids working there didn't help much either; as he revved up my lawn-mower-engined kart, he caught a ride on the back bumper of my car, going out to check on someone's car that had faltered, crashing into a wall at awesome speeds (about 16 miles per hour, tops). I think rule number one before they let us have at it was "these aren't bumper cars," a ruled which was steadfastly ignored as we imitated Mike Wallace's cousin in those auto insurance commercials and "put 'em into the wall."

So funny! However, they only allow you to ride for, like, seven minutes, so we just had to go twice, just to make a night of it. After a few rounds, and everyone getting sick of my maniacal laughing, we retired to the arcade, where we battled on the DDR pads and laughed about Lonely Island and that stupid song that always gets stuck in my head, the one with T-Pain about the boat. Then we went home and watched the South Park episode about the gay fish. Hilarious.


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