Saturday, September 20, 2008

Campfire Songs

My favorite is "On Top of Spaghetti."
by Mil'vardea

A campfire complete with songs, s'mores, and stupid stories about lighting other people and things on fire.

The four of us are not exciting people; we merely use what we have available to make up excitement in our own lives. We aren't wealthy, only middle class students and young adults with incredible imaginations.

So in a stroke of genius, we gathered up wood from Black Beard's house, a s'mores kit from IrishCream's home, and gathered around some lighter-fluid-induced grill filled with a campfire, singing songs and roasting marshmallows. The kit (luckily for us) came with a History of S-mores page, complete with campfire songs to sing while making them. Most of us, in Girl, Venture, or Boy Scouts, respectively, learned some songs, but few of them in common (Smoo insists that his troupe's fire songs were all written by Metalica).

So we sat outside, on the first, pleasant autumn evening, and sang, laughed, and made s'mores. It was a fantastic end to a long day.

(I had the idea that had we a long metal tube on which to roast the marshmallow, we could have blown it up like someone blowing glass. I wonder if anyone has ever tried this before. I was intrigued, but no one had a thin, but long tube of any kind. Damn.)

On top of spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball,
When somebody sneezed.

It rolled off the table,
And on to the floor,
And then my poor meatball,
Rolled out of the door.

It rolled in the garden,
And under a bush,
And then my poor meatball,
Was nothing but mush.

The mush was as tasty
As tasty could be,
And then the next summer,
It grew into a tree.

The tree was all covered,
All covered with moss,
And on it grew meatballs,
And tomato sauce.

So if you eat spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
Hold on to your meatball,
Whenever you sneeze.


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