Thursday, September 25, 2008

Success! Sort of! Not really.

After a grueling process of coming up with bad poems and writing them on pretty cards, and posting them all over Preppy Campus and the Mall parking lot, we finally have a couple of responses from someones.
by Mil'vardea

I kind of thought we'd get all sorts of responses; I guess when we were doing this, we kind of expected people to respond like we would, going "Oh my God, this is hilarious! Let's write them back! Like right now! Holy crap this is hilarious!"

So far we've gotten two very polite responses, asking if we "got the wrong car" but the cards were "cute." The first e-mail, we received on September 19th, was from a joe named Herbert.

"I want to thank you for the little card that you happen to put on my vehicle while I was out at the ***** Center. Perhaps you thought that my vehicle was someone elses.
"Again thank you, that was nice.

When I responded, I got no re-reply from him, and that made me kind of sad. I decided to wait, post about it when we got some more e-mails. I didn't realize that it was a little less "when" and a little more "if."

A little heart broken that I'd wasted all of my pretty little cards on people who didn't really want to talk to me, I waited. And waited, and waited.

I was so excited last night that we had finally gotten another response! And a girl this time; maybe she would have more to say; Danielle wrote:

"I'm not sure who this is, but there was a note attached to my car that I found today, which had this e-mail address on it....
"It may have gotten attached to the wrong car, I don't know, but it was a cute note so I just wanted to make sure it got to whoever it was suppose to get to!"

It made me feel a little better. What a sweet lady. I hope our bad poetry made her smile. I e-mailed her. Maybe someday, she'll e-mail me back. Maybe? Please?

Doesn't anyone out there appreciate a little effort to make someone else happy? Even if no one replies, I hope they at least giggled, or showed it to their friends. I know we laughed the whole time! Sneaking around parking lots like we were stealing something. We wanted to make sure there were no witnesses, no way someone would see us and ruin the surprise. Surprise!


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