Friday, September 26, 2008

A Spoonful of Sugar...

What Everyone Needs to Feel a Little Better
by Mil'vardea and Smoo

They had a "get well soon" card at Walmart that sings the song "Spoonful of Sugar" every time you open it. It was so annoying, we decided to buy it for Black Beard.

He's been sick for the past few days or so, so Smoo decided we should make him a "get well" pack, consisting of a singing card and a 2-liter of cough syrup (more commonly known as Mountain Dew Code Red) all tucked into a nice plastic case with a pretty bow on it. It had to be waterproof, since it's been pouring down rain for hours, and I don't think it's going to stop any time soon.

We picked up the card first, after playing with all the singing cards (including an especially annoying card of Spongebob singing, or attempting to sing). As we walked through the store, I attempted to make the techno remix of "Spoonful of Sugar" by opening and closing the card over and over. We gathered all of the ingredients for our "get better" pack. I kept the car running and the lights off like we were on a beer run and Smoo surreptitiously slunk through the rain so well he didn't get wet and deposited the stash on the porch of Beard's heavily guarded estate (by three vicious kittens).

Then we giggled.

Feel better Black Beard, before we figure out a way to sneak into your bedroom.


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