Monday, October 6, 2008

Hot 3 Way

Bom Chicka Wow Wow
by Smoo

So tonight we were sitting around trying to think of something to do. There were three of us, Mil'vardea, Irish Cream, and myself, and most of our favorite games are out since they require more people to actually be fun. We've been having campfires in my backyard lately so we decided to start up a fire and see what we could think of.

Before we headed out, we were struck with a brilliant idea; a three way! But not the traditional kind with awkward questions and guilt the next morning, this was going to be a three way Battleship game. Played on graph paper (in true nerd fashion since we didn't have enough battleship game boards) by the fire. That means we had a hot three way! It was my first time : P

We drew out game boards on the graph paper; A through J on the side, and 1 through 10 on the top, penciled in our armadas and proceeded to fling hot, hot simulated lead at each other. The way it works is, when its your turn, you pick an opponent and guess a square with the letter and number combination. My favorites are C-4 (its explosive!), A-1 (everyone said something about sauce for that), and D-7 (because I'm a huge nerd. Klingons are fun).

Just for fun we decided that each 'hit' you got on an enemy was one point, so there would be the true victor who outlasted everyone, and the most deadly accurate one who scored the most hits. It started off well, with the big ships going down on everyones board pretty fast. I took an early lead with fewer of my ships being sunk until it came down to the last few turns. Irish Cream succumbed to the briny depths first with a lucky hit on her last ship, the 2 hit patrol boat. Then it was a fierce guessing game between Mil'vardea and myself, both reduced to our own patrol boats. I hit hers first, which lead her to a desperate guess . . . and a miss! I could taste victory and guessed, but didn't hit the right square! Mil'vardea, cognitive powers boosted by her desperate need to win and hand my ass to me on a silver platter, correctly guessed where my boat was and hit it 0_o. However her fate was sealed, unavoidable as the tide, and I sunk her for the win.

After the smoke settled (literally, we burned the sheets after the game) Mil'vardea won the points match and Irish Cream and I tied. To celebrate we made a s'more and popcorn over the fire and sat around in companionable quiet for a while. All in all a fun time for everyone.

While typing this up I had an internet interview with Mil'vardea, stay tuned for more!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like D-10. Next time we should make the gameboard bigger, with more ships, so we can have d20s. Lol.
