Saturday, October 4, 2008

::Insert Epic Music::

That's the Way We Like It
by Mil'vardea

Create some really silly stop-motion video using metal miniatures for characters. Or at least attempt to.

We really are nerds. Oh goodness.

After a long afternoon of cooking experiments, Red Alert 2 marathons, and a poorly preformed hockey game by the Flyers (still preseason though; it doesn't count!), we took some of Smoo's hand-painted metal miniatures to create some really strange stop-motion videos. It took us more then two hours to make two, less-then-ten-second videos, and they're hilarious to us. Enjoy.

Our first attempt.

Our second, even weirder attempt.

Umm, yeah we know. More on this later, I'm sure. We'll probably come up with some insane, ten minute fumbling towards our future in stop-motion, Wallace-and-Gromit type claymation. Wish us luck. Or better still, don't. We don't need this kind of headache for a career.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quite hilarious. More, minions, more! :-) Love, Your Kansasian Friends