Monday, October 20, 2008

Bow Chicka Wow Wow

Camping in the Park Made For Some Silly Jokes
by Mil'vardea

Find a local park, and go camping for the night, sitting around the fire and eating a lot.

We got rained out Friday night, which is when we planned on going camping. So we planned to pick up where we left off on Saturday night, since none of us had to work. Everything was going as planned, the rain cleared up, we all had cleared our schedules, and even the clouds were dispersing. Everything was just a little too perfect, however.

Black Beard had asked for the whole weekend off, just in case it actually did rain (good think he did) but his manager scheduled him to work anyway, so he had to find a sub. Work now out of the way, we were just about ready to leave when Black Beard's sub called, saying he was now subbing for someone else, and good luck finding someone else.

God, what a loser.

Anyway, he was now getting off of work at nine o'clock. IrishCream, Smoo and I left without him, getting to the campsite around four to set up. We started a fire and got things going, and sat around lamenting our empty stomachs as the sun set. To amuse ourselves, we began star gazing (the clouds hadn't completely cleared up at this point, but you could see about half of the sky). We found shapes in the clouds, and watched the world go by.

The volume on this video is kind of low. Sorry.

For dinner, we recreated our fantastic beef and veggie kabobs (click here for the recipe). Black Beard finally showed up around 9:45 ish, and we got the party started, telling silly jokes, stupid stories and ending almost every sentence in the now-ubiquitous phrase "bow chicka wow wow." We've been watching WAY too much Red Vs. Blue. Yay Tucker!

After a long night and well into the morning, we retired to our tents. The weather was in the 40s, which wasn't toooooo bad, but I was still cold. Maybe I'm a wuss. Oh well.

In the morning, we cooked bacon and eggs, and had a gl orious sun-filled breakfast around the open flame. Exhausted but ecstatic, we retired to our individual houses and crashed, a pleasant and delicious weekend dancing like sugarplums around in our heads.


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