Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Huge Gummy Snake!
by Smoo

Go to the Pumpkin patch and get pumpkins like we used to when we were kids!

So today we decided to go to the pumpkin patch and get some fall time decorations for our front yards. We drove for 45 minutes north of the city to a berry farm that offers a deal, all the pumpkins you can carry for $20.

After we arrived we explored a store set up in an old barn to see what they had laying around. Mostly it was filled with Christmas decorations and some Halloween things, but there was a putting green and a couple of cute little pigs (with a sign that said DO NOT PET : ( why have them in a small pen with a low fence if they aren't for petting!) off to one side. Then we found the glorious candy and a 4 foot gummy snake, which Mil'vardea and I got. The sugar from it is still making me all jittery.

We quested forth to find the hay ride over to the pumpkins, along with a few families with small children, who were all squealing with glee for some reason (the only folks at the pumpkin patch were us, an old lady, and the few families). We snapped a few pictures on our ride of the beautiful area around the farm and then got off the wagon to find our pumpkins. Almost immediately we heard one kid yelling "Oh my goodness!!" and falling down to hug one of them, which made us laugh. BlackBeard and IrishCream set off to the far end of the field while I meandered around looking near the front and Mil'vardea hunted for 'tiny cute ones'. Between the three of us we had a good haul, and chose the best of the crop for our nefarious purposes.

Then we loaded as many as possible onto BlackBeard, almost snapping his spine before he said that he couldn't hold anymore. We took our 7 large pumpkins and headed back, chatting with some of the other people on the hay ride about how buff BlackBeard is and what his rates should be for pumpkin lifting. BlackBeard held them all again, turning red and grunting like a stuck pig, took the required 3 steps, and we merrily loaded up his car with the loot and headed home. $20 is a bargain for these!


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